Have you heard this expression – it’s ok not to be ok ?

We use it often in Australia, to let people know they’re not alone if they’re struggling and not feeling themselves, specifically mentally.

We all go through ups and downs in life.

To know it’s ok, that we’re not alone and that it will pass, is essential for our wellbeing. 

We’re all human, and especially during these times of Covid, we’ve got to remember, that it’s ok not to be ok sometimes.

I shared a post not long ago on social media, how I was struggling to stay my usual positive self for a few weeks.

It’s here if you missed it >>  Insta Post

Covid certainly has changed life for us all in some way shape or form.

We all have different situations to deal with and different ways of coping.

At the time I wrote that post, there were many things going on for me and I found myself feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

During that time I realised that I’d drifted away from a few of my key self care habits.

I know from past moments in my life, for me to stay in a positive state of mind, it’s important for me to have those habits in place.

Today I want to share some of these things with you.

What can send me off balance are …

🔹when I’m tired and lacking sleep

🔹when I’m hormonal.

🔹when I take on too much and over do things

🔹when I’m not exercising enough

🔹 when my diet isn’t as healthy – eating more sugar and processed foods

🔹 when I’m not feeding my mind enough with good positive things, from podcasts or books etc

🔹when I’m not taking time for me and practicing self care even just some down time

🔹when I don’t keep up a regular meditation / Pilates/ yoga or relaxation techniques of some kind

🔹when I’m not in touch with good friends and family to express myself

🔹When I watch too much news or read too many negative things

🔹 when I’m forgetting to laugh or play in life

🔹when I’m forgetting to be grateful

How aware are you of how your habits effect your moods ? 

Have I missed any important ones that can cause us to feel off kilter? 

Let me know in the comments below this post, I’d love to hear form you.👇

Sharing the Core Fit Club love 

 I wanted to share some amazing stories from my Core Fit Club Members…
Take a peak at some of the member’s incredible results from their regular Pilates routines! 

Click this link or the image below >> https://epilatesonline.com/testimonials-2021/

Lots of love 

Em xox

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