In case you weren’t aware, I’m a Tasmanian! 

Yes, like the cartoon character – the Tasmanian Devil!  

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out this pic!

It’s a statue of a Tasmanian Devil at the Hobart Airport.

Emma Photo

I recently took a trip back to Tassie (Tasmania) to visit family and did some camping!

I know, a little crazy in the middle of winter, but it was so fun!

Being off the grid and no phone for 2 days was so nice. I cant remember the last time I did that!

I only thought about checking my phone for messages a couple of times, before remembering there wasn’t going to be any!

In a world where we’re almost permanently connected – it’s a great thing to have an occasional “device detox”.

Have you done that lately ?

On my previous trip to Tassie, I filmed a class for my Core Fit Club members,

I thought I’d share the class with you, let me know how you like it!

To play the class click the image below…

During the month of August, you can join the Core Fit Club for just $1 USD for your first month! 

Join hundreds of other happy members and access all my classes anytime, anywhere.

Can’t wait to see you on the Mat!

Love Em x


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