ePilates Online Blog Listen to your body

It’s been an interesting couple of years for me.

This is part one of a series of blogs I’ll be writing.

I want to share about the changes happening in my body, as I know so many women will be able to relate, and hopefully my story can help others gain some clarity and not feel so alone.

Like so many women in the world, menopause symptoms have been effecting my life.

I knew something wasn’t right, when I cried three mornings in a row for no apparent reason – what I thought at the time.

I remember feeling so confused, I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I just wasn’t feeling myself in so many ways.

I even said to my husband “I want to run away from my life”, as I just wanted to be alone.

I finally realised I was having menopause symptoms.

A doctor I saw recently said the reason you wake up feeling out of sorts some mornings, is because the brain is literarily rewiring itself at night.

Apparently the reproductive area of the brain is changing, as it is no longer needed. She likened this time of a women’s life as similar to a teenager, where the hormones are in such a changing state, that our brain is like a teenager.

I must say I was relieved to know how I was feeling had an explanation and I wasn’t just going crazy! haha

Ever since then I’ve been eating a tone of walnuts! Did you know they are great for the brain? I’m trying to give the process a helping hand 😉

Most of the time, if a food looks like a part of the body, its usually good for that part of the body…eg walnuts look like the brain.  Just a little trivia for you! 

I could go on with my story, but will keep the rest for another day.

For now just know I’ve been feeling an array of other symptoms…

  • Anxiety
  • Overwhelm
  • Emotional
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Night sweats
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Brain fog
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive problems
  • Low libido
  • and more …

Even though I feel like I’m in the early phase of this journey, when I think about it, it’s been going on a while…

To help relieve some of the symptoms, I’m keeping up my regular exercise, taking a magnesium supplement, making sure I get good sleep and also saying no more often to things, to ensure I’m not over stretching myself. 

More on that part in another blog…

However for now, if you or anyone you know are going through something similar, you may find comfort in knowing you’re not alone, or you may find it interesting to hear this story to help you understand what someone close to you maybe going through, or has been through.

I also thought now is a great time to share a podcast interview, which talks about how Pilates & Yoga can help ease the symptoms of menopause.

Take a listen below….

I’m excited to be hosting the FREE 14 Day Pilates Toning & Posture Online Challenge once again!

This is such a great challenge to help you get consistent with your workouts, improve your posture, core strength, flexibility and tone up!

Suitable for all levels.

No special equipment is needed.

We kick off 16th November!

Just add your email address below to join.

I can’t wait to see you on the Mat! 

Lots of love 

Em x


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