I’m thrilled to announce a new online challenge starting…

Monday 9th November!

Toned Legs in 10 Days

Normally only available to my online Core Fit Club members!

This program is now available to you, your friends and family!

Learn more here >> Toned Legs in 10 Days

Here are some of the benefits you can expect to get…

  • Toned and strong legs, (including back of legs)
  • Stronger toned glutes and outer hips
  • Improved knee, quad and calf strength
  • Stronger ankles & feet
  • Reduced pain the the knees, hips and back
  • Improved posture & core strength
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Improved balance & coordination
  • More energy
  • Feeling strong, empowered and confident
  • Reduce aches & pains from sitting or lack of movement
  • Feeling more positive, calm, less anxiety, stress, plus reduced blood pressure
  • Save money on regular classes that are more costly
  • Start a new regular habit of exercise

JOIN HERE >> Toned Legs in 10 Days

Toned Legs Testimonial

Have questions ?

How long are the workouts?
– Between 20- 30 mins per day.

Is this suitable for beginners?
– Yes suitable for all levels

What is the cost?
– $1 per day

Is this challenge Pilates or Barre?
– It is a mixture of both

Can I do the classes in my own time?
– Yes they are pre recorded classes

Will this help my knee pain?
– Yes it will help strengthen and teach you about the important muscles of the knees

Join us for the challenge starting next
Monday 9th November


Plus share with your friends and you can receive a FREE Core Fit Club membership!

Check out the details in the members pack when you sign up.

Can’t wait to see you on the Mat & at the Barre!

Em xxx

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