Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mums out there, including foster mums, step mums, fur baby mums and sending so much love to anyone who no longer have their mums with them.

As a Mother’s Day gift I’ve included a couple of videos from the Core Fit Club for you to try.

1. A Pelvic Floor tutorial
2. A Live full body Class (sent out last week, I have extended this use for a few more days)

Be sure to share these with any friends or family you know who need a little extra self care and movement in their life.


Enjoy 7 Days FREE!

During the month of May you can enjoy a Free 7 Day Trial of the Core Fit Club.

Join hundreds of other happy Core Fit Club members where you can access all my classes, like the class above anytime anywhere.


Did You Know Building Muscle Burns Fat?

Did You Know Building Muscle Burns Fat?

Building muscle burns fat when you're resting!  Are you like me? Do you eat and drink more than normal during the festive season? I can't help myself when I'm around friends and family having fun! That's why now is a great time to think about our health and fit in...

FREE 6 Day Body Toning Series


Start a habit, feel more toned, and strong in 5 mins per day!

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