Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mums out there, including foster mums, step mums, fur baby mums and sending so much love to anyone who no longer have their mums with them.
As a Mother’s Day gift I’ve included a couple of videos from the Core Fit Club for you to try.
1. A Pelvic Floor tutorial
2. A Live full body Class (sent out last week, I have extended this use for a few more days)
Be sure to share these with any friends or family you know who need a little extra self care and movement in their life.
Enjoy 7 Days FREE!
Join hundreds of other happy Core Fit Club members where you can access all my classes, like the class above anytime anywhere.
FREE Pilates Class Pack
Glute & Hip Ball Release technique
In our last Mondays on the Mat episode I showed you one of my favourite techniques to release tight glutes and hips, which can also prevent and reduce back pain. Often some glute muscles become tight which can create pain and imbalance in the body. This can happen...
Stretches to relieve neck & shoulder tension
Do you ever suffer from neck or shoulder pain? It's common in today's society when we're all looking down at our smart phones and lap tops so often. I had a request from a follower recently, to share some neck stretches in my 'Mondays on the Mat' blog. So today I...
5 Stretches to do from your bed #MME7
Learn 5 Stretches to do from your bed! We're all guilty of saying we don't have enough time to exercise, or we're too tired, can't get to the gym or classes etc. However the reality is we really don't need to go anywhere to do a workout, stretch or just move our body....