In our last Mondays on the Mat episode I showed you one of my favourite techniques to release tight glutes and hips, which can also prevent and reduce back pain.

Often some glute muscles become tight which can create pain and imbalance in the body.  This can happen for a few reasons reasons, one can be an inactive muscle called glute max, which you can read more about in one of my previous blogs here >> Why you don’t want a small butt

Stretches and massage can help relieve tension, as well as this specific ball technique.

You can use either a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or a spiky massage ball. 

If you’re just starting out it’s best to start with a tennis ball which is not as strong. You can progress to a firmer ball as you get used to the technique.

You can see the technique in the video below.

Release tight hips and glutes

While sitting on the floor, place the ball under the fleshy part of your bottom muscle.
Keep the leg of the glute muscle you are releasing straight to help the leg and muscles stay relaxed.
Move the ball around the glute and hip area. Keeping your weight on it the whole time.
Hold on any tight spots to help release them.
Try on both sides.

Let me know if this is helpful for you.

Be sure to share with anyone you know who can benefit from these Pilates & stretching tips. 

Lots of Love and see you soon on the Mat! 

Em xo


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