I was so moved over the last few months…
Reading all the posts about my online clients/members anniversary dates with The Core Fit Club – my online Pilates studio.
It means the world to me that most of the members have been training with me consistently online for many years – the longest is 6 years!
That’s Magali!
She shared this post below today, in our members only Facebook Group.
The best thing is that she’s still learning and experiencing new things after all this time! Wow!

When I first started I didn’t really have a long term plan – which was the same as when I started my brick and mortar Pilates studio.
On both occasions, for me while starting a new business, there was no real strong business plan. Sure I had some goals, but nothing I really focused on heavily.
All I cared about was the love for what I did/do and serving my clients. The goals ended up taking care of themselves.
The wonderful thing is I still love waking up each day, hearing and seeing my client’s progress, whether it be online, or face to face.
It still means as much to me now, as it did when I first started teaching over 18 years ago.
Take a look at some of the members posts recently, talking about their anniversaries and long term achievements!
I’m so proud of them all…and not all of them are mentioned below.

If you’d like to also be one of those long term members, achieving amazing results, be sure to join us inside the Core Fit Club, or Core Restore Program..
Here’s a little sneak peak inside the private Members Lounge, so you can see what it’s all about!
Click the photo below or this link to play the tour video
>>> Core Fit Club Sneak Peak
It works out at only USD $2.88 per week, for unlimited classes.
Less than 1 cup of coffee depending on where you live!
Much less than a face to face or live Zoom class!
This special offer is available until Saturday 12th Feb 9pm (Malaysian time).

The prices of all programs will increase after 12th Feb….
So now’s a great time to secure your lower rate, which you get to keep for as long as you’re a member.
Monthly and bi annual plans also available…
See you soon on the Mat!
Lots of love,
PS: Hit reply and let me know if you have any questions at all.
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