Happy International Yoga Day!

We’re celebrating it with a Free Yin Yoga Class – specifically created to help you relax, feel more grounded, as well as reduce fear and anxiety.

This class will give you a short introduction to Yin Yoga followed by poses that will stimulate the Kidney, Bladder, Stomach & Spleen organs.

The meridian lines that correlate to these organs, relate to the emotions of fear and anxiety.

It will help you to balance out your emotions and any stuck chi, energy in the body.

You will have a strong focus on breathing and mindfulness while opening up the body.

The class is taken from The Core Fit Club, my online studio.

The Core Fit Club, is an on demand library of Pilates, Barre, Stretch, Weight lifting and also Yoga classes.

We will be releasing an End of Financial Year Sale on the Core Fit Club very soon, stay tuned for that.

Reach out if you have any questions about the Core Fit Club. 

Lots of love 

Em x

PS : Let me know how you get on with the class in the comments below 🙂


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