I’ve found the last two years, since the pandemic began, more stressful than normal, just like so many people.

We’ve just come out 5 month lockdown here in Malaysia.

During the many lockdowns we’ve had, I found it sometimes hard to calm my mind.

I’ve felt a lot better for a while now, but there a number of times I had anxiety and even found it hard to sleep.

Have you had those moments?

Experiencing those moments, has prompted me to put together a new program, not only for my members but also for you, my ePilates Online community member.

16 Days of Mindfulness, Breath & Yoga!

This challenge is going to help you to;
🔹Reduce anxiety
🔹Reduce stress
🔹Improve flexibility
🔹Improve 💤 sleep
🔹Improve flexibility
🔹Reduce aches & pains
🔹Help to calm your mind
🔹Improve focus
🔹Open your hips
🔹Improve balance
🔹Increase energy
🔹Feel more mobile
🔹Reduce blood pressure

There are two ways to join this challenge…

1.  As a member of the Core Fit Club, to join click here > >  The Core Fit Club


2. As a non member, at this button below 👇

Check out what others say about the classes in this program/challenge…..
Can’t wait to see you on the mat!

Lots of love 💜

PS: Be sure to hit reply if you have any questions


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