Every day I help people move and take care of their body.

I understand it’s not always easy to feel inspired to move.

It takes some determination, self discipline and a real desire to look after our body (our home).

Sometimes we all need inspiration to move more, myself included.

I love moving, Pilates, Yoga, Walking, Hiking, Martial Arts, Dancing, Swimming etc, however even though I love all these activities, I don’t always want to move.

There are some days it would be easier to stay sitting at my lap top, finishing that one last bit of work! Yet I try to do something most days, because I know how good I’m going to feel after.

Moving regularly is not only important for our physical wellbeing but also our mental wellbeing.

I know if I go a day or two without moving, I’m not a happy camper! I start to feel agitated and almost claustrophobic, and I long to exert some energy.

When you make movement part of your life, it becomes a habit, a necessity.

This is when you start to move and exercise, not just to to work off last nights pizza, loose weight or tone up (the latter are certainly a by-products), it’s more about feeling good. You realise it helps keep your body balanced both inside and out.

It makes me so happy when I see my clients start to love and need to move regularly, making it part of their lifestyle.

Yesterday I happened to speak to a couple of clients about this very topic.

I used an analogy of cleaning your teeth; it’s a habit and part of your life. Imagine going for a dental check up every 6 months, not having cleaned your teeth in between visits! What state would your teeth be in? I don’t need to describe it!

Or think of it like a car that is never serviced. How well would it run?

Exercising for our body is like this.

Ask yourself what state would your body be in if you didn’t move it often? It would be tight, weak, feel congested, sluggish, be in bad postural alignment and out of condition, right?

Why would we want to let the only body we have get into this state?

Feel like moving yet? 🙂

Here is one way to get inspired to move…

Every year I run a challenge called MOVE MORE IN MARCH!

You guessed it, the challenge is to move every day. That doesn’t have to be Pilates, it can be any form of movement.

However to help you in achieving your movement goals, I’ve created an amazing offer for my online Pilates studio, the Core Fit Club.

For the month of March, you can join the Core Fit Club for just $1!

This means as a new member you get to join in on the challenge I’ll be setting for all my current Core Fit Club members.

Also if you didn’t get to finish the January 14 Day Pilates Challenge, or you missed it altogether, you can now do it this month! All the videos are available to access in the Core Fit Club!

Click here to join up today for just $1 

Here’s what some of the participants have to say about the 
14 Day Challenge and the Core Fit Club!

Click here to join up today for just $1 

FREE 6 Day Body Toning Series


Start a habit, feel more toned, and strong in 5 mins per day!

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