(make sure you read to the bottom of this blog – it has some gems)
Are you guilty of being hard on yourself at times lately?
Being ok with where you’re at is really important right now.
That could be in life in general, in your exercise routine, in energy levels, in emotional state, in career situation, in how much you can give to others, or how much time you have for hobbies, learning or even self care….
Whether we’re conscious of it or not, the many world events over the past few months have effected us in one way or another. Even if you’ve not been directly effected you would feel this collectively, just by knowing what’s happening.
Feelings of anxiety and stress are common.
I find moving my body is the best way to reduce those feelings.
So I wanted to include a couple of classes for you to use this weekend to make sure you’re moving your body.
1 – BACK OF BODY FASCIA RELEASE – Using a tennis ball
2 – GLUTE AND BACK WORKOUT – helps to reduce our regular sitting posture
(These classes are taken from my online studio the Core Fit Club www.thecorefitclub.com available for use until Monday 22nd June 5pm Malaysia time)
If you haven’t been motivated or consistent with your exercise, don’t worry, it’s one of the most common things I hear.
This is why it’s always good to be part of a community of people who help encourage you to move on a regular basis.
Not to mention having classes you enjoy at your finger tips.
One of the most popular features my online Pilates Studio Core Fit Club members enjoy, is the monthly workout calendar.
They don’t have to think about what class to do!
They just log in and go to the class that’s scheduled for that day..it’s all there at a click of a couple of buttons.
Check out what the June calendar looks like ….
So if you’re interested to join us inside the Core Fit Club, now’s a great time as the special of $5 for the first month ends next week.
Click here to join or find out more >>> www.thecorefitclub.com
If you’re unsure if it’s for you, check out what some of the existing members have to say below …
Before signing off I want to reiterate what I said at the beginning…that it’s ok to be wherever you are at right now in life.
If this is relevant to you…. give yourself permission to be ok with not being ok.
So often we get caught up with how we should be, and what we should be doing or feeling. Really we need to give ourselves some kindness right now.
These circumstances we are experiencing are not normal, and we can’t expect to be a robot and not be effected.
I listened to a great talk of Oprah’s recently and she gave some really good advice.
When we feel overwhelmed or stressed, anxious or worried, to help you stay in the hear and now, you can say…
“In this moment I am well”
She heard this from the spiritual leader Echart Tolle.
I love this.
It really brings us to the present moment. Which is really all we have at the end of the day.
So when you’re not feeling your best, just remember to say this little line,
“In this moment I am well”
Let me know if this helps you in any way.
Also be sure to hit reply to my email or place a comment in the comments below and let me know how you enjoy the classes!
I can’t wait to see you on the Mat!
Sending lots of love
Em xo
PS: Please share this blog or forward the email to anyone you know who needs some help to move their body..they’ll thank you for it!
Em xx
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“In this moment I am well” is a great little sentence, a bit more subtle than my saying to my husband, when he is getting stressed about finances or anything else, no use worrying “we’re not dead”, that’s all that really matters!
haha love it! yes you can now with it up with “in this moment I am well” this is a positive reinforcement ! hehe