Do you suffer from back pain?

If you do, you’re not alone.

More than 80% of the population suffers or has suffered from back pain.

I had a back injury myself many years ago and healed it and continue to manage it, with Pilates and Yoga.

If I miss too many days of
strengthening and stretching, my body to keep it in alignment, my back pain returns. Especially if I’ve been sitting for long periods of time at my desk and or travelling.

There are many different types of back pain and injuries.

I can confidently say from personal experience and the 17 years of teaching, that all back pain and injuries I’ve come across, respond well to Pilates.

I’ve trained and helped hundreds of clients over the years fix their back pain and teach them how to manage it.

From conditions like slipped or budged discs (the same thing), spondylolithesis, sacroiliac joint issues, ligament tear, muscle sprains etc.

Su was one of those clients I helped.

She couldn’t even put on socks, or sneeze without having a lot of back pain.

Pilates helped her not only relieve her pain, but also to regain her body confidence again. 

She noticed other improvements in her life as well, like improved posture, which helped her to project her voice in the classroom while teaching!

Grab a cuppa and take a listen to her wonderful story!

It’s just 5 mins…although I could listen to her all day, I just love her accent!

Back Pain Relief Class

I created a great Back Pain Relief Class, which is usually kept inside my online Pilates studio, Core Fit Club Membership.

Many of my clients report success with relieving their back pain from doing this class.

You can try it out for a week, and let me know if it helps you! 

Leave a comment below and let me know if you have any questions and if this class helps you!

Also please share it with anyone you know who can benefit from this. 

Lots of love and see you soon on the Mat! 

Em x


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