Do you suffer from back pain?

Or does your tummy still protrude more than you’d like when you stand up straight?

If so keep reading…you may to relate to this story.

I wanted to share this great result from one of my clients, in the hope to also help you if you have the same struggles.

Qian has suffered with back pain for a long time, and recently her pain got so bad, she booked to see a specialist back doctor (orthopaedic surgeon) to find out what was wrong.

We had our first Pilates session the night before her specialist appointment.

I made some adjustments to her standing posture and taught her some basic things to remember in her every day life, to help her reduce the pain.

She was in shock and super happy!

A lot of her pain had gone from this one session.

Plus she was also was able to flatten her tummy, just from standing correctly and being aware to use muscles she hadn’t previously been using.

‘My back was very sore and tight before my Pilates session. I felt better once Emma made adjustments to my posture. The correct posture released the tension in my back. Looking forward to more classes with Emma!’ – Qian Wen

Pilates is not just about exercises and toning up.

Pilates is about your lifestyle, how you move, hold your posture, awareness of your body, knowing it’s strengths and weaknesses and what your body needs.

Often pain is caused by imbalances in our body which effects our posture and vice versa.

Improving these areas can help you relieve pain.

I’d love you to get the same results as Qian and many of my other clients and you can. It’s easy to improve posture, relieve pain and flatten your tummy the same way.

I’ve put all the exact information I teach my clients into a video tutorial on Posture Analysis. It is available in the Core Fit Club membership which is FREE for 7 Days. So you can access this now to do from home.

However this FREE 7 Day Trial offer finishes tonight.

Join here today ==>

When you join the Core Fit Club you also get access to a library of classes, including back pain relief and tummy toning classes!

Let me know if you can relate to any of these topics, I’d be glad to answer any questions you may have.

I hope to see you inside soon on the Mat!



Ps don’t forget to download the FREE Back Pain Guide here

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