Embracing Change
Four years ago, almost to the day, I left Australia to move to Malaysia with my husband.
This was one of the best decisions of my life.
Yet reaching that decision was not easy at first.
I was not only saying goodbye to many beautiful family and friends.
I also said goodbye to my business Emergy Pilates Lounge, my baby for 6.5 years and all the amazing clients and instructors who worked with me and shared my passion of movement for many years.
I wanted to share a bit about my story of change, fear, manifesting, commitment, self belief, hard work, following your dreams and success. Not only to share a bit about my life butย hopefully something in my story will help you orย resonate with you.
Emergy Pilates Lounge was born from the desire to create a space where others could come and share my passion of Pilates.
I wanted to create a hub, where people felt welcomed, part of a community, at home and in good safe hands.

Even though I had this deep desire to start the business, it was not an easy decision. I battled with self belief, thinking I wasnโt ready and or good enough, as well as the conflicting advice and opinions of others.ย ย
It was one of my regular clients whoโs words rang true to me one day when he said ย ‘What are you waiting for, you will never be ready’.ย
It’s true, we are never ready, we can only take the first steps, and learn as we go.ย
These words will always stay with me. We can always find reasons to not do something and sabotage ourselves, or our potential.
I searched for the right space, talked to many about different opportunities, even looked at businesses to buy, but nothing felt quite right.ย
Until one day the universe provided me with the right space, and it flowed from there. This is another story in itself!
I didnโt know it at the time, but now realise I was very good at manifesting. As I look back and analyse the situations, I see how powerful my thoughts were. I brought to life all I wished for.ย
I had some wonderful people help me get the studio off the ground, with renovations, flyer drops, branding, painting, and even help to find the location. Iโll always be truly grateful for all their contributions. They know who they are.
I didnโt have a business plan, goals, targets, I didnโt even have a website!
I jumped in feet first and just did it! I just knew I had to. It was my calling.
I started out with 3 reformers, a wall unit and an arc barrel.ย
This meant small classes, with lots of attention.ย
Emergy Pilates Lounge was born.
Clients started to trickle in.

I worked hard (which was all I knew at the time) teaching and growing the business.
The business grew organically, which now, looking back, I know is really the best way. This is how good solid relationships are built.
I had to continue to teach clients and classes in other locations to keep my income coming in while I slowly built the Emergy clientele from scratch.
I was very focused. Little did I know at the time Emergy would become a thriving hub and be put on the map as a well renowned studio in Sydney.
I went from having just me teaching 4 classes per week on the timetable and doing all the administration, while also working in various other locations, to 6.5 years later having 20 staff, (17 Instructors and 3 administration assistants) and the studio operational from 6am โ 9pm, 7 days per week.
Most of the days (except Sunday which was maybe 4-5 hours) the studio was operating with 8-9 hours of classes per day and sometimes more privates and or semi privates.
Emergy became the STOTT Pilates host training centre for many years , training and mentoring new instructors.
Emergy also become the first studio in Australia to start the now famous Barre Classes.

I was blessed to be able to sell Emergy Pilates Lounge to an amazing lady (again another manifesting story), who still to this day, continues toย operate Emergy and nurture itโs instructors and clients, some who are still there from the beginning.
Iโm eternally grateful for the amazing relationships and experience had during this time of my life with Emergy.
I loved my life then, and I love my life now.ย
I believe we have different chapters in our lives, and if you’re open to it, nothing really has to stay the same forever.ย
In fact this is what helped me to initially start my business. I was nervous to commit. ย I thought for a momentย it was to be my decision forever.ย
I remember someone said to me at the time I was deciding to start the business, that it doesnโt have to be forever.ย That was all I needed to hear!ย
It wasnโt forever and sometimes we have to know when the time is right to move on to the next chapter of our lives.
I believe the more we are open to change in life, the more we learn and grow.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings onย embracing change.
Share with me below in the comments.
Lots of love
Here are some of the press releases from Emergy!ย
Sydney Morning Herald:ย Emergy Pilates Lounge – SMH
Daily Addict : Emergy Pilates Lounge – Daily Addict

I so loved reading this. I remember when you first decided to leave a desk job and take on study for this new path. I am incredibly proud of you and loved seeing your journey. I did for the first time complete one of your challenges this year and I have to admit it did challenge me which is really what I needed and it made me smile seeing you do this. Good luck with it all and I hope we catch-up one of these days in person. Again congratulations you definitely deserve it with all your dedication and talent!
Thanks for the beautiful message Rach!! That means to much to me to read this . Really appreciate the support and yes you have seen my journey! Wow – so awesome! Fantastic the challenge challenged you! haha I hope to see you again soon! Let do a coffee sometime. I will be in Sydney at some point, and Im sure you will pass through the GC! Sending lots of love and thanks again for your beautiful wishes. Lots of love Em x
I will never forget my Emergy classes with you. I loved them so much I didnโt want any other instructor! Your patience, kindness and wonderfully calm and upbeat personality made your classes a joy to attend!!
Oh thank you so much Su! I love seeing your name pop up in my messages like this, it brings joy to my heart! I loved our time together and training you! Your smiley face coming into the studio I’ll never forget. So glad we are still in touch! How special. thanks once again for you kind words. Makes my day. Sending you lots of love xxx
Truly inspiring. Well done, Emma.
Wishing you more success and achievements. Stay blessed
Thanks Mira! Such a lovely message, thank you so much. Wishing you all the best also. xxx ๐
Wow!!! What a fantastic insite to you and your success and growth
To be nervous is normal, to jump in feet first is something I can relate to. My mom & dad always said to me “take the chance and see what happens, at least you won’t be stuck thinking what if”
It’s even cooler that you kept it up after moving, and I’m so thankful that I jumped on board with your pilates. It’s really helping me with post surgical recovery and flexibility. Way to go Emma!!
Thanks so much Ness! You had some great advice! It’s so true. We would only wonder if we don’t do it! We have to try don’t we, and if it’s meant to be it will blossom! Im so glad you have enjoyed the online, makes me so happy you have felt the improvements! Love training you xxx
Awesome story … just what I needed to read to continue to trust and believe the universe has our backs. Lots of love to you!
Thanks darling! Absolutely the universe has our backs! Never doubt it. Surrender to what is and what will be, even if the journey is not an easy one, we are always receiving the lessons we need. Love you and miss you xxx
It’s said, “Death and taxes and childbirth! There’s never any convenient time for any of them” and moving with the flux, Eb’s and flows of life’s uncertainty is simplified with a trusty pelvic roll up, 100’s and a neutral pelvis, providing a sustainable and dynamic carriage, appropriate for our primary point of residence, our body and mind.
Your story is evidently based on a movement of family and community, ultimately stabilised by that movement and this experience as a whole, is one we can only grow and learn from.
Thanks for your inspiration.
Thanks Barrie! Yes it’s so true! When we are present in our body, we are present, we are in touch with life, with our true essence and life happens for us. Such beautiful words thank you. Yes I have certainly learnt many lessons in letting go and surrendering. Always lovely to hear from you. When are you in KL? Em ๐
Wow! What a great business history, Emma and fantastic experience to take forward in Malaysia! I completely agree that if you were to wait until you were completely ready for something, you would miss out on so many opportunities. Well done and keep up the great work!
Thanks Katie! It was an amazing experience, and I learnt many lessons along the way. I am so grateful for that moment in time. Thanks for your support! Em x
Hi Em,
Iโve only known you since you arrived here in KL 4 years ago.
Iโve loved what you started here, the passion you have and the teaching and support you have given me.
Being brave and having the courage to get on with it and believe in yourself moves one into amazing opportunities.
Thanks for being part of my life here in KL, and encouraging me in a life that is now with exercise, nutrition and generally be more aware of my body.
Go girl!!
Thanks Christine for your beautiful words. Yes it’s so true what you say. You have taken steps on this journey of life to improve your health and and wellbeing and kudos to you! Keep up the amazing journey you are on! Lots of love Em xx