“You’ll feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.”

Hi Me,

Have you heard this quote by Joseph Pilates?

It really is true!

A regular Pilates practice can change your life for the better in so many ways.

I was chatting to someone the other day who didn’t realise Pilates helps reduce pain, heal and prevent injuries. They assumed it was just a tough workout! hehe 😉💪

Actually, that’s true, it can be a tough workout, but I believe Pilates it is one of the best ways to help reduce pain, discomfort and tightness in the body, as it helps to restore balance.

I’ve dabbled in so many types of workouts over the years, but Pilates was the one that made me feel the best and I’ve kept coming back for that feeling for over 20 years now.

I still do other workouts as well, but Pilates is like the staple in my exercise diet, just like vegetables are in my food diet. I have to have it or I don’t feel right.

It has certainly been a savior of the past few months during quarantine and Covid 19.

Many of my online Pilates studio, Core Fit Club members have said this too.

They’ve been really grateful to have on demand workouts to keep them feeling good in their body, and especially grateful for the new monthly programs I’ve been creating.

They were…

April – Toned Legs in 10 Days
May – Stronger Core in 6 Days
June – 5 Days to Fabulous Arms

I’m excited to be release another new program for the members in August called

Gorgeous Glutes in 8 Days!

This is ideal to prevent a saggy bottom (as one of my members so rightly said) but it’s also great to prevent back pain. The glutes make up part of our core so having strong glutes helps to prevent back pain.

I talk more about the benefits of good strong glutes in the first blog post below.

Plus give you a great glute workout in the second one.

Check them out below…

>> Why you don’t want a small butt

>> 10 mins of Glutes

I’d love you to join me and hundreds of other members over in the Core Fit Club for the Gorgeous glutes in 8 days program. It will be available from 1st August. Head to www.thecorefitclub.com to learn more about becoming a member.

If you decide to join us now you’ll get immediate access to all the other great programs listed above.

Let me know how you enjoy the blogs.

Lots of love

Em xo

PS: Be sure to hit reply and let me know if you have any questions about the Core Fit Club.

PPS If you’re already a member, and you helped with the name choice for this new program via the poll on the Facebook group thank you!

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