Today is our second day of Barre and we’re focusing on the arms.

You can do the whole class with or without hand weights.

I’m using 2 pounds (1/2 kilo) weights the video.

Don’t worry if you don’t have hand weights, you can use soup/baked bean cans, small bottles filled with water. Or if you don’t have any of those, try a couple of books, or heavy shoes will do!

Be creative!

The most important thing is not to feel tension in the neck and shoulders.

For most of us the upper trap muscles (around the neck and shoulder area) are often tight from over use and using our devices.

Keep relaxing your shoulders down your back to prevent more tension building.

Be sure to also take a break anytime you need, or do away with the weights at any point. 

You will probably find you don’t even need extra weight, just holding the arms up is enough.

As always listen to your body.

Let me know if you have any questions at all. 

I’m doing my best to respond to everyones messages. 

However if I still have not responded to your comment or questions, either on Facebook, Insta or in the comments on the website, please give me a day or so. Then if I still haven’t responded, please follow me by email.

Lots of love






  1. f0582523e9455e878f3f9d1cfed4e8e8?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Hi, I am alternating days with a day off in-between. This is due to OA in the knees, hands, Elbows, Wrists & shoulders as I don’t want to overdo things as that will stopme moving the day after.
    Day 5 completed. Due to the Arthritis would it be possible to suggest alternative exercises sometimes?
    Thanks, Louise

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Great you are taking some time off if you feel pain. These are pre recorded videos so unfortunately I can’t change them in any way. But do take it easy and rest when you need to. YOu’re doing great x

  2. 8ace13ddd8b24b50179fa58b9ee9349c?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Thank you just did Barre arms, loved it. Hopefully help with the bingo wings.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Oh yes great for those hehe

  3. 0d1f3dadb1b75a39f38a92149b6391a0?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Quite a bit behind due to my RA but loving it on i am back on track. Cant wait to complete the next class

  4. e507ead48cd93b9fd628c65ae7f28601?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms


  5. 74ea790af7fb70eeefe6f7906a799a7f?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    First time doing this type of exercise and loved it.

  6. cf5d5add5650debb5d7531ca1e958cc4?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    I’m playing catch up so have just done day 3 and tried day 4. Was only really able to do the stretch at the end of day 4 as I have tendinopathy at the back of my right knee. Now going to start day 5.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      That’s ok take it easy . Just do what you can x

  7. 74e5978ce83e03646f00688fb80b42ab?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Great day 4 and 5 🙂
    Today I am looking forward for 6 and 7 🙂
    I am late one day but love it so far

  8. bf43a62e29a705413400ccaa4d10ad5a?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Day5 done. Love the arms workout.

  9. 036edad438595b717067a67082ce4be9?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Done, great work and I now finally understand what a correct position for these exes should be.
    Thank you Emma

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      So good it’s helped you x

  10. d81d9ca76edcc13b3cb6c5980844a426?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Great barre exercises. Thoroughly enjoyed them. Looking forward to the yoga.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Thank you – glad you enjoyed it !

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Thank you glad you’re enjoying them

      • 8ee61ae7d4fe0634e1b588f16895f393?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

        Day 5 done! Good workout for thevarms! Thanks!

  11. a648f0f2e77d8abd1f7aa059e8144718?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Arm an shoulder workout wow, I’ve enjoyed it was perfect ,thank u ,day 5 done

  12. 971738f5dcecf442d2f2e998dfbc941f?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms


  13. df2f8a35bac6966ed31a005f5e43bde1?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Arm n shoulder exercise
    It’s relaxing !!!!!

  14. 348bb1e5ec8cce5ca495c9263b323c0a?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Day 5 check! Used no weights but still felt the work. Thank you!

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Yes it;s strong without weights actually!

  15. 9fb844b3963dcbec1b9f2b755f6f83d9?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Have enjoyed the challenge of the first five days so far and look forward to each day.
    Thankyou Emma.

  16. c84867e530feb9e2ccafa403251434e3?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    I enjoyed today’s session, I had a problem with my right hand shoulder but now the pain is subsiding. Thanks to you.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Oh that is wonderful news! YEAH!

  17. bf479395e95f5e7cc48641e84b42e325?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Wow what an arm workout just what I needed. Day 5 done.

  18. c376bb21e3dd753e7b4dc11bc314fd4b?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    I haven’t been able to participate in a single class because it won’t go beyond ‘I’m not a robot’ and I haven’t had any response to my messages Ma little sad…

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Hi Marele , sorry what was the problem ? Can you email me some more detail ? Em x

  19. 8d93977f749ac38d44590707656ef378?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    Porque os videos não são legendados?

  20. 7d9b6b54e08b559383389907f1026e4f?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

    I love the exercises. Yesterday and today were especially awesome for me….Thanks so much

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 5 - Barre Arms

      Oh wonderful – I’m so glad you enjoyed them! x


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