Today we switch it up to Barre!!

But before you get excited and jump into class, I’ve got a quick story for you and please read to the end of the page for some great news & tips for tomorrow’s class. 

If this is your first time trying Barre, you’re in for a treat!

It’s often described as a mix of Pilates & Ballet.

I naturally gravitated towards Barre, because I danced for from 5 – 16 years old.

You’re in good hands, (not only for Pilates, as I’ve taught that for over 19 years) but also for Barre.

I originally trained in America, where it all began and was honoured to be the first to teach Barre in Australia, in my Pilates Studio, Emergy Pilates Lounge.

I became a teacher trainer and travelled all throughout Asia and Australia training new instructors.

I’m thrilled to give you a little taster of some of the Barre exercises during the challenge.

 I know you’ll love it! 

You’ll need either a chair or bench to be able to hold the onto for balance.

Be sure to have something fixed if you feel you need more support.

FAQ’s & Update

1. Can your friends still join?
Yes of course! Anyone can join right up until the end!
As you know the class are short, and easy to fit into your life, 
Someone could join and do 3 per day to catch up easily! 
Please share this link with your friends. (copy and paste) >> JOIN 21 Day Challenge

2. I can’t get the breathing right! OR I still feel back pain?
Please watch this Facebook Live Video where I will answer your questions in a little depth.
Today’s Facebook Live

3. Great news!! You can stream to the TV!
All you need is a Chrome Cast (a small device that plugs into the back of the TV)
Then you can download an app, the one I have is called “Streamer for Chrome-cast”
It’s super simple and easy to use! I use apple phone but you can get the apps on Android as well. 
Then all you do is mirror your device! Basically whatever you have on your phone or tablet shows on the TV!
So head to your local store and get a Chrome cast – it will be perfect for the remainder of the challenge! 

As always let me know how you go.

Come on over and check in on Facebook or on the comments on the site.

See you on the Mat!



PS: For tomorrow’s barre class you can use small 1 pound hand weights. This is optional as you will still get a good workout without weights.

If you don’t have hand weights approx you can use small water bottles filled with water, soup or baked bean cans!

Be creative!



  1. cdb16e6f25b2cc71ee981b1a219a11cd?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Just finished Day 4
    Thank you but OUCH!

    Obviously need to do this more often.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      yes its good to keep doing it! A good ouch! haha

  2. bd6fdb85e3913a99d78b6303d823efb4?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    totally enjoying the classes , Emma is a great instructor, wonderful explanations , clearly spoken love her voice

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      Thank you so much for your lovely feedback xxx

  3. d7a88c0b920202a4177ae0cf5e7f92f9?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    day 4 is wondeful! i love to feel my legs stronger!

  4. b04c3ed5f1e6b8c07c657f98d99fe267?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Loved that session although my legs burned!!!!

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      yes its normal …thats ok good for you ! haha

  5. a1f3d01df65deeb7a8df49b90d72cbd2?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    So up to day 4 done, might try a few more later to try to catch up, it great leg workout

  6. e507ead48cd93b9fd628c65ae7f28601?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Day 4 done yesterday, I just remembered to post! I really like this barre routine. I have some catching up to do!

  7. f354ab16368c4c886c679e8d5e693e35?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Burning and shaky legs.
    It feels good though.
    See you tomorrow.

  8. bf43a62e29a705413400ccaa4d10ad5a?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Day 4 done. Unable to do the ‘stilletto” as i injured my ankle. Have to skip that part. Good work out for the legs.

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      Ok hope you get better soon! yes take it easy! x

  9. 8ee61ae7d4fe0634e1b588f16895f393?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Done with day 4!

  10. c5d29796ff9a02ab23f22465fe14b519?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Day 3 done! I loved it. Thank you

  11. 1518bb350f9988f8d05b9c4df6a36095?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Great workout today (4)

  12. 9f49ddb1f5e6b3aedaf6a84b79358896?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Wow… the day 4 was amazing. My legs were trembling. It was certainly painful but after the session, legs feel so light.
    Thank you so much!! Can’t wait for the day 5!!

  13. 437ff6c20206a4af7a6f8d8d740b1d1a?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Day 4 done

  14. 348bb1e5ec8cce5ca495c9263b323c0a?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Day 4 check!!

  15. 5b6dabf71800153f70badef0a93d7a33?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Just completed day 4
    Enjoying barre but legs burning
    Let s go

  16. d0dcf6ffe84f4f6af9c75ab6ee3a7d73?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Really enjoying this, new to pilates, feeling hood

  17. 6d806344f1d8be0880cf4b2c194dd4f3?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Thanks for day 4 I want to ask if you can do for one day just core exercise please

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      These are pre recorded videos so I can’t change them sorry. However there will be more core coming. Did you see the extra core focused class I send in Day 2? You might like that one! it’s quite tough!

  18. ac3339cc310636e15d281b35966ac0fa?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Good leg workout. Great challenge for my balance

  19. 2c61172da92befb6747e091bc10aae12?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Hi! Can I do barre sessions if I have slight reduction in space between the medial compartment of both the knee joints. I am a 42 years old.
    I have been practicing yoga since 2 years now .

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      Hi yes of course you can. These are great for the knees. If you just be mindful of your form all will be great and help your knee. x

  20. c84867e530feb9e2ccafa403251434e3?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Thanks I received.

    Already done with it.

    My knees, hip and thigh exercise.

    Enjoyed it

    Good day


  21. df2f8a35bac6966ed31a005f5e43bde1?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Knees are burning!!!!!
    Something different I got to learn
    Thank u so much Emma

    It was a wonderful experience with Barre

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      My pleasure – so glad you’re enjoying it x

      • 3599a851c1aa5ab275e1d4bf27988939?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

        I have super noisy, crunchy knees, maltracking patellae. Always sore with lunges etc. I really want to keep doing barre & the knee strengthening will be so good for me. I’m thinking of doing very small movements (tiny plies) with a small hip turn out only? Thank you x

        • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

          YEs good idea,keep in parallel should help the knees. Also use the hold connection and work more inner thighs x

  22. bf479395e95f5e7cc48641e84b42e325?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    That was an awesome work, that my legs where even shaking. Day 4 done and dusted.

  23. 270acfb9caf6e04e69b0496aff1aac67?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Hi, can I check if these videos for the 21 day challenge will still be accessible after the 21 days is over so that we can revisit the videos?

    • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      Hi Samimm=, they will be kept inside my online pilates studio, which you can join anytime. it is a monthly or annual subscription that is going to be offered at a special rate to you after the challenge, as a little treat. Its a great way to continue your momentum as i not only have the 21 day classes but lots of others and I support you along the way. Here is the info if you’d like to check it out. em x

  24. b01c5918cd20790211b102ab56f8a225?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Woo huh definitely I’m not a ballerina, is hard but I could do it yess… Thank you

  25. d189f2b49f8126f0361b2f1412067cdb?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Oh my legs are going to sore today – thank you!

  26. 971738f5dcecf442d2f2e998dfbc941f?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

    Getting tough now. Day 4 done

    • a1f3d01df65deeb7a8df49b90d72cbd2?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

      Great day 4 thanks

      • 84c4820ade08fea89c5c6b529ee66cb5?s=80&d=mm&r=g 21 Day Challenge // Day 4 - Intro to the Barre: Leg Focus

        Thanks for the update! Good job


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