Are you already taking it easy, now we are closer to the end of the year?  

Maybe you’ve stopped some regular healthy habits because it’s Christmas?   Or you might be like me, not yet too affected by the holidays this year. I’m still working and have a normal routine. 

Either way, this is a time of the year when many of us fortunate ones, eat and drink more than usual – especially on Christmas Day.

I’ve heard people say; “I’ll just eat that extra cake as it’s Christmas”, or “I will start exercising again in the New Year”. That’s ok, we all need a break sometimes from our usual habits and routine. I believe it’s important to have balance. However we all know that once we stop our regular exercise routine, or over eat, how hard it is to get back to how we like to feel. 

So, to help you stay feeling good these holidays, I have put together 3 easy tips to test out!

TIP 1. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before you eat.

This is a habit I try to do regularly when possible. It fills you up a little, so there is a bit less space for all the yummy stuff! I love food, so I’m always going to eat a lot, so this is one way to help prevent too much over eating and stay a little healthier ;o)

TIP 2. Move once a day.

Be sure to fit in a walk, swim or game of tennis each day, whatever option you have available to you. Of course enjoy your relaxing time as we all need that too, just be mindful to get some movement in.

TIP 3. Do the Hundred

What is the hundred you ask? It’s one of Joseph Pilates’ original exercises. This exercise is a great challenge to your abdominal endurance and get you focused on your breath (we can all do with that). If you do one Pilates exercise this holidays this is it!

I’ve included a video tutorial from my new ePilates Membership.

The Hundred

 1) Engage your lower abs before lifting chest.

2) Count to 100, using breath in 5 counts and breath out 5 counts.

3) Pulse the arms the same time.

4) Extend legs for more challenge. 

Neck pain? Support neck with one hand while pulsing one arm or lower head to floor.

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