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“If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up not doing nothing for nobody.”

— Malcom Bane

I am privileged to be on this earth happy, healthy and with the opportunity to give to others who really need it.
Both my husband and I have worked with many different charity projects and not-for-profit organisations over the years and continue to help when we can.
Some of our favourite charities & projects we love and have assisted with more recently are;

I’m also very grateful for the opportunity to teach the Chin Refugee women of KL regular Pilates. Once a month the Tanma Federation funds a Self Esteem workshop for the women. As part of these workshops I teach the women Pilates, relaxation techniques and general posture awareness tips.

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We have many laughs! They love it, and so do I. We use an interpreter so it’s always fun and games trying to explain things! 

It’s such a privilege to teach the women, as they would not usually have access to this kind of activity. It’s helping them to feel more confident and to spend some time focusing on their own health. Read more here about the situation of the Chin refugees. You can support them buy donating or purchasing their products. Go to Please like their Facebook page

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The Lost Towel Project and The Lost Food Project

We are now currently assisting the PINK organisation, which supports two new projects The Lost Food Project and The Lost Towel Project. We are excited to be helping these projects get off the ground.
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If you would like to support the Lost Towel Project you can read more here.

The Lost Food Project will help distribute wasted food from supermarket chains and restaurants to various people in need. We are excited to be helping this project off the ground. If you would like to get involved in anyway please reach out to me, as we are always looking for more people to assist. 

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“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”

— Anthony Robbins

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