Starts Wednesday 24th July


Get motivation & accountability to stay consistent with your workouts from home.

How it works

Sign up & to get accountability & motivation, join our Facebook community group
You’ll receive a welcome email as soon as you join with information about the challenge. 
Starting on Wednesday 24th July
Complete workouts daily from home & in your own time. Sent to you by email.

What’s included

  • Unlimited use of all the Barre classes for 7 days until 30th July AEST time zone. (1 new video each day for 6 days).
  • Videos pre-recorded so you can watch them in your own time & approx 10-25 mins in length.
  • Daily emails to keep you motivated.
  • Daily accountability check in inside the Facebook Group
  • Share about your challenge on your social media & be in the draw to win a Free 1 month Core Fit Club Membership.
  • Support & cheering on by Emma, her team & your peers in the group


Hi, I’m Emma

I’m just like you, I want to stay as healthy and active.
Yet I know it can be a challenge to keep up the motivation sometimes.

That’s why I’m hosting one of my Online Pilates Challenges!
It’s specifically designed to help keep you motivated, consistent & accountable when working out from home.

A little about me….

I’m an Australian ( well Tasmanian to be exact 😉 ) living and working here, with my husband. I’ve been teaching Pilates for over 20 years and help people all over the world feel empowered, stay fit, strong, flexible and toned through Online Pilates, Yoga & Barre classes.  My classes cater for all levels and are a great way to improve posture, stay toned and strong and also keep calm.

I can’t wait to train you!
Em xo

FAQ’s …

Is this suitable for beginners?

YES this is suitable for all levels

Can I keep the videos?

You get unlimited use for 7 days until 30th July AEST time zone.
After this time you can use the classes from inside the Core Fit Club.

Do I need any equipment?
No special equipment is needed
How long are the classes?
They are 10 -25 mins long.
You can combine some of the classes  as we get further into the challenge if you’d like longer sessions.
I'm a member of the Core Fit Club - do I need to pay?
No this is a Free challenge for all members


FREE 6 Day Body Toning Series


Start a habit, feel more toned, and strong in 5 mins per day!

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